Greetings, culinary explorers and health enthusiasts! On today’s recipe agenda, we are introducing a wonderfully vibrant and crunchy vegetable that doesn’t get nearly the attention it deserves: jicama! Originating from Mexico, this root vegetable is not only refreshing and tasty, but also low in calories and high in nutrients – an ideal ingredient for those on a “fat to skinny” journey. We are preparing it in a simple yet scrumptious recipe – Jicama Primavera.


  • 1 large jicama, cubed
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tabs butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preparation: Begin by peeling your jicama and cutting it into small cubes. Heat up an inch of lightly salted water in a skillet over high heat. Drop in the jicama cubes and boil until all the water has evaporated.
  2. Cooking: As soon as the water has evaporated, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to the skillet, along with the chopped red and yellow bell peppers and onion. Stir well to combine all the ingredients. Cover your skillet and reduce the heat to medium.
  3. Stirring: Remember to stir your jicama every few minutes to prevent burning. If you notice any signs of burning, reduce your heat. Cook your jicama as if you were browning home fries, but bear in mind that unlike high sugar potatoes, jicama always retains a certain level of crunch.
  4. Finishing: Once all the vegetables are cooked to your liking, remove the skillet from heat and stir in a couple of tabs of butter. Season with salt and pepper to your taste, and your dish is ready to serve!

TIP: Cook plenty of jicama and store it in the fridge for a quick heat up in the microwave. I usually cook a couple at a time, use what I need, and refrigerate the rest. It stores and reheats well when cooked. Keep in mind that jicama turns quickly when stored uncooked, so it’s best to store it cooked.

And there you have it – a delightful, refreshing, and easy-to-prepare Jicama Primavera that’s as good for your waistline as it is for your palate. This wonderful root vegetable provides a refreshing change from the regular vegetable sides, so try it out and enjoy the unique flavors it brings to the table. Bon appétit, and see you again soon with more delicious, health-conscious recipes!

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